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Off-the-Water Training Ideas

Off-the-Water Training Ideas

During Winter, conditions might not always be suitable to get out on the water, so here are a few ideas for things you can do to keep active.

These exercise programmes don't require a gym membership, or special weights, they are free and you can do most of them right at home.

For Pullups, try your nearest school or local park, most of them have a jungle-gym or pullups bars that you could use.

All of these exercises will help with your performance and strength out on the water.

Just set aside 10-15mins in the morning or afternoon, and go for it. You can alternate the challenges, situps one day, pushups next day to give you some recovery time and variety.

Why not have a challenge amongst your team, do a test at the end of each month and see who has been doing their pre-season homework.

And if you have one of those flash android or iphones, you can download apps that will record your history and prompt you through the workout.

200 Situps

100 Pushups

200 Squats

20 Pullups

150 Tricep Dips