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Karewa Revival Race Report & Results

Karewa Revival Race Report & Results

Karewa Ocean race was revived with special thanks to those paddlers whom travelled from as far as Auckland, Gisborne, Whakatane, Hamilton, Rotorua & Tauranga. It was great to have your support for our KAREWA Island race and both Fluffy Slipper crews who are preparing for World Sprint Championships in Canada.

The BAY turned it all on! The weather was perfect & with cargo ships coming and going, fishing boats crossing our path, seals basking on the rocks, seagulls flying above & clear aqua marine water there was no stopping these paddlers from being distracted – there goals were intent; Paddle, Race & Finish 28km of pure distance. Congratulations Paddlers! You completed our challenge.
We extend much thanks to you all and to Tauranga Fish and Dive club for providing our on water safety and support boats. To Apirana for his design found on your Karewa t-shirts representing the myth and legend of Taurikura. To our club members who have embraced the heart of organising races for you all. To both Fluffy Slipper crews; train hard, race well; represent, sending you all our greatest SUPPORT.

Mauri Ora! See you all next time!

Hoe Aroha Whanau O Mauao
