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Bluesky Savaii Crossing Samoa Bluesky Savaii Crossing Samoa Bluesky Savaii Crossing Samoa

Bluesky Savaii Crossing Samoa

On May 25th 2012, ‘Team Fueee’ from New Zealand took part in the inaugural Bluesky Savaii Crossing from Mulifanua to Savaii and back in beautiful Samoa.

The changeover race follows the strait between the two main islands of Upolu and Savaii, a distance of about 43km. The timing of the event was to coincide with the lead up to the 50th Anniversary celebrations of Samoa’s independence.

The race organised by Cam Wendt and Pualele Outrigger Club, also included teams from Fiji and American Samoa as well as teams from the local clubs within Samoa.

Team Fueee NZ consisted of Jeff Ah Koui, Shane Hohaia, Matt Archer, Kisione Fonua, Mark Roozendaal, Lance Roozedaal, Mike Sala, Diana Malaki-Williams and Mark Malaki-Williams with our support crew of Jo, Ashley and Naea Williams, Mariaane Archer, Misty Roozendaal and Tina Kea.

As a build up to the Crossing, Team Fueee took part in the ‘Tribe Manono Va’a Challenge’. It was a warm-up race on Wednesday 23rd May from the scenic Le Vasa Resort, around Manono Island, and back again.

The iron race was primarily within the pristine reef and covered a distance of 14km. For this race, Team Fueee had Matt, Kisione, Shane, Mike, Mark Roozendaal and Jeff. After a strong start from local team Pualele, Team Fueee kicked into gear and paddled away, winning in a time of 01:02:16 followed by Pualele in 2nd place 01:03:10 with Team Waimana (Fiji) in 3rd with a time of 01:03:35.

After the race one of Team Fueee’s paddlers likened the heat during the race to that of a sauna! However all agreed it made a pleasant change to paddling in freezing New Zealand. Definitely.
Thursday allowed the team to do a bit of sightseeing around Samoa and experience the snorkelling around the crystal waters. We also visited the Tsunami damaged parts of Samoa on the Southern coast. It was a sombre and humbling reminder to the team of the power of the ocean.

The following day was the Bluesky Savaii Crossing. The Team was up bright and early preparing for the race and one could sense the excitement in the air.

Team member Diana originally from Savaii, mentioned how special it was for her to be part of this race. “I feel honoured and privileged to be paddling to the island where my family is from. My grandfather used to fish on his wooden outrigger canoe back in the day, so its special for me to paddle canoes and race in the same waters he once paddled.”
The race would start from Aggie Greys Resort, Mulifanua on the western side of the Island, head northwest towards Savaii and return to Mulifanua. After all the equipment and safety checks were done, all teams lined up and in no time at all, it was green flag.

Team Fueee got off to a solid start and held a slim lead over local team Tautai. It stayed liked this throughout most of the first leg but leading up to the turning buoy, Team Fueee managed to connect some good surf runs and began to pull away. On the return leg the real work began as teams pushed through a slight head wind. Team Fueee strung together some quick changes and big pushes to pull away even further.

Aggie Greys resort was a welcome sight as the team paddled towards the finish in the 30 degree heat. With the last few strokes, the team crossed the finish line to the applauds of friends and supporters. Second to cross the line were locals Tautai Outrigger Canoe Club with fellow local club Nafanua Outrigger Canoe Club rounding up the top three. A great result for local paddling in Samoa!

It was truly a most enjoyable experience paddling the beautiful waters of Samoa. I know many more paddlers from the around the Pacific and the world, are looking forward to experiencing the paddling, racing and hospitality of Samoa.

Team Fueee would like to sincerely thank Cam Wendt and Pualele Outrigger Canoe Club Samoa for organising a fantastic event and inviting us over. We were truly honoured to be part of the inaugural BlueSky Savaii Crossing 2012 and look forward to the next one!
Special thank you also to Krissy and AJ from Farmer Joes for the drinks and refreshments for the team during the crossing, Tasi and Jay Ah Fook and everybody at Y-Not Bar Samoa for your hospitality, S.O.C.A, and all the teams from around the Pacific and within Samoa for making this race a truly memorable one.

Lastly a big thanks to Jeff for getting the team together, thanks to our family, friends and supporters and to Team Fueee NZ for an amazing trip.

See you guys on the water,

Bluesky Savaii Crossing 2012 Results
1. Team Fueee, New Zealand (3.15:32)
2. Tautai, Samoa, (3.19:10)
3. Nafanua, Samoa (3.21:05)
4. Waimana, Fiji (3.26:00)
Acknowlegements to Alo Samoa and Pualele who experienced support boat complications but nevertheless completed the course with the help of relieving officials.
Alo Samoa, American Samoa (3.34:06)
Pualele, Samoa (3.50:36)

Results from TRIBE Manono Va'a Challenge
(1) Team Fueee, New Zealand - 1:02.16
(2) Pualele 4G, Samoa - 1:03.10
(3) Waimana, Fiji - 1:03.35
(4) Pualele CP, Samoa - 1:08.11
(5) Alo Samoa, American Samoa - 1:09.25

Photos are courtesy of Diana Malaki-Williams


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