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Calgary 2012 - Only 2 more days to go

Calgary 2012 - Only 2 more days to go

Only 2 more days to go, and racing will kick off at the Glenmore Reservoir.

We were busy today testing out the timing equipment. We have a photo-finish camera the same as we use at Nats in NZ. The course markers have been surveyed and the course will be straightened up tomorrow ready for racing.

A few more of the international teams arrived today, Rapa-Nui, Hawaii, California and Italy to mention a few.

Italy had some cool paddling gear for sale. (Don't worry Becs, I got you something from there too)

A few more pics
1. Some of the International teams at practice
2. Paddle Steamer that operates on the far side of the lake
3. A stack of V1's
4. The ATCO (Canadian word for Porta-com), Race Central for the week
5. Aotearoa Golden Master Women (Just finished their V12 practice)
6. Juniors at practice (Courtesy of George Thomas)
7. Haka Practice (Courtesy of George Thomas)

Race Schedule and Lane Draw for Day 1 attached.
Rest of weeks lane draw will be out shortly.


Photo Gallery (click to enlarge)

practice.JPG paddle-steamer.jpg v1s.JPG atco.JPG golden-master-women.jpg juniors.jpg haka practice.jpg