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Calgary 2012 - Finally Acclimatised

Calgary 2012 - Finally Acclimatised

I have finally acclimatised and we fly out today, go figure. I even managed a run this morning, and didn't fail miserably gasping for breath.

I decided to run the length of Fairmount Ave, silly silly me, it look's like it goes all the way into the city. Since I didn't feel like running a half marathon before breakfest, I turned back at the Glenmore Trail overpass.

Calgary is 1049m above sea level, so now that I have enriched my red blood cell count at high altitude, I can't wait to get back to sea level and nail a 10km.

It's been a big week here in Calgary. Coming into these events you are never 100% sure what resources and skill sets you will have to work with. On the first day here I sat down with Timing Dave (yep they have a Timing Dave here too).
Being an engineer, Dave whipped out a electrical schematic diagram of the site, which kind of blew me away, I was half thinking he was wanting us to build a factory.

And Malcolm (the energizer bunny), I don't think I have ever met someone with quite as much energy. I am sure if we had a power outage the computers around him would have kept running off the ambient energy.

Everytime you go overseas you tend to compare things to back home. I must say it is the first time I have seen heated underground car parks, and cars with power cords hanging out the front. Not because they are electric cars, but because in winter you need to heat the engine a night or the oil freezes. Even the waterfalls freeze here in winter, I can only imagine what it would be like.

Luckily the summer is hot and dry. I was fortunate enough to get to hike up Sulphur Mount which is 700m high. (To put that in perspective, 2 and a bit times height of the Sky Tower). I am sure the view is always better when you have earned it.

If you ever get the chance to come this way, make sure to call into the Calgary Canoe Club, I am sure they will welcome you out for a paddle. (or an Erg if the lake is frozen over)

Like all these type of events you find yourself thrown together with a bunch of random people that you have never met, and at the end of the week it's like working with a bunch of good mates.

Thanks to Dave, Malcolm, Lynda, Neil, Tracie, Sharla, Heather, Bruce, Brent, Terry, Candace, Phil for their hospitality and making it a memorable stay.

It's sad to leave, but looking forward to seeing the family again too. Hopefully I will get to come back again one day.

Just counting down time now before I get to hang out in he butt-end of a plane for 15 hours.

See ya back in NZ

Photo Gallery (click to enlarge)

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