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Results - Koroneihana Hoe Waka Results - Koroneihana Hoe Waka

Results - Koroneihana Hoe Waka

We would like to thank all paddlers and their supporters that attended our event during the annual Koroneihana. The day started off with a bit of rain but fined up quite nicely by race time. Paddlers were met with a higher than usual river level and current, which made the race a bit more challenging, especially for the rudderless paddlers who held their own against some very strong currents.

The fastest man 14km was Jason Eruera from Mitimitaga who upset the local boys, and the fastest woman 10km was Virginia Comer who held out a dedicated bunch of woman trying to chase her down. W2 mixed was taken out by Candice and Shaun; W2 Women by Vonnie and Helen and the W2 Men by Trev and Iritana.

Division Winners
W1 Open Women - Virginia Comer (WDBA)
W1 Open Men - Mike Rogerson (Turangawaewae)
W1 Master Men - Jason Eruera (Mitimitaga)
W1 Master Women - Yvonne Rogers (Ruamata)
W1 Senior Master Men - Alex Soutar (WDBA)
W2 Mixed - Candice & Shaun (Te Arawa Paddlers)
W2 Women - Vonnie & Helen (WDBA)
W2 Men - Iritana & Trev (WDBA)

Top Club Award went to WDBA and the Fastest Whanau Award to the Soutar's. Carbon Groundswell paddle spot prizes donated by Te Wananga o Aotearoa went to Vonnie Soutar and Josh Stewart. A special acknowledgement to the Huntly college students and their coach who just rolled up on the day to complete their first singles race, a tough 14km slog fest. The weekend of racing was capped off by a powhiri up on Turangawaewae marae for a number of local Aotearoa NZ paddlers and their support crews returning home from their successful worlds campaign in Canada.

Special thanks to:
Genesis Energy
Te Wananga o Aotearoa
Ministry of Primary Industries
Nga Kaimahi o Te Koroneihana
Waikato Raupatu River Trust


Photo Gallery (click to enlarge)

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