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Strategic Plan Review (2nd Draft) Strategic Plan Review (2nd Draft)

Strategic Plan Review (2nd Draft)

Thank to to those clubs who provided feedback on the 1st draft of our sports Strategic Plan for 2012 - 2015. We have considered the valuable feedback and made some changes and additions.

Much work and consultation was done in 2009 to set up our current strategic plan which includes our values and 25 Year vision.

This document builds on the hard work and accomplishments that have been made in the last 3 years by all involved in our sport.

Our 2012-2015 Strategic Plan is the next step in achieving our 25 year vision.

If you wish to give feedback on the 2nd draft directly (Changes from the 1st draft have been written in red) please do so by emailing [email protected]

Alternatively you may wish to give feedback via your club or region.

We would like to recieve any feedback by 14th September.

Please contact [email protected] for queries
