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Storm update from New York Outriggers Storm update from New York Outriggers Storm update from New York Outriggers

Storm update from New York Outriggers

As we are all aware Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast of the USA last week. Here is an update from our friends at New York Outrigger & ECORA.

Aloha Fellow Paddlers,

Many of you have contacted me regarding the impact of Sandy on the ECORA region of the US. Many of us east coasters have been directly or indirectly affected by Sandy. It has been the worst storm we have ever seen here. The NJ shore, parts of NYC, Long Island and Connecticut have been destroyed. Ao no ho'i.

New York Outrigger, based in the Hudson River Park, had flooding in our boathouse. We're just starting to assess our canoes and other assets and so far it doesn't look too terrible. Manu’iwa, based in Milford, CT on the Long Island Sound got hit pretty hard. Many of them have had flooding and damage to their homes and are in recovery mode. While Manu'iwa's OC-6's seem to be fine, they have had lots of damage to their other assets including their canoe storage tent, amas, iakos and lost all of their PFD's. They're still in the process of assessing everything.

We have many paddlers in the area that were affected and I have not heard from everyone as of yet. I’ll keep you posted on how we are doing as we hear from more of our members.

Mahalo for your concern,
Ed Acker, President ECORA (East Coast Outrigger Canoe Association)


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