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Waka Te Tasman Race Results Waka Te Tasman Race Results Waka Te Tasman Race Results

Waka Te Tasman Race Results

A fantastic weekend of paddling at Kaiterieri with 280 paddlers travelling from as far as Whangarei in the North and Dunedin in the South. Thank you to everyone for their awesome participation, effort to travel, willingness to tow and loan waka and ultimately their enjoyment of waka ama paddling.

Thank you also to all those from the Motueka Waka Ama Club who helped with organisation and running of the event. And once again a big thank you to our sponsors, Kaiteriteri Recreation Reserve Board, Abel Tasman Aquataxi and Wakatu Incorporation. All have contributed to another successful Waka Te Tasman.

Photographs from the event will be available for viewing and purchase soon. We will put a notice up with details asap.
Attached are the race results.
