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Outward Bound - My Experience by Paul Roozendaal Outward Bound - My Experience by Paul Roozendaal Outward Bound - My Experience by Paul Roozendaal Outward Bound - My Experience by Paul Roozendaal Outward Bound - My Experience by Paul Roozendaal

Outward Bound - My Experience by Paul Roozendaal

Thanks to Outward Bound and Nga Kaihoe o Aotearoa Waka Ama NZ, I was able to attend the discovery course at Outward Bound in the Marlborough Sounds. Being involved with Waka Ama for many years, I am used to large and small groups meeting for the first time.

Over 100 people young and old all arrived at the Picton ferry terminal on the first day to meet their instructors that they would spend their time with. Within that 100 were my group of 13 on the “Discovery Course” which was for 8 days. After a quick meet and greet and a game to break the ice, we were given a yacht and were instructed to sail to Anakiwa bay which is the base of Outward Bound. We were thirteen strangers from all over New Zealand, all with different reasons for coming to the course, many looking for something to change their life.

We started off sailing and it quickly became apparent that communication and team work was what would get us through. The quiet ones of the group learnt quickly to put themselves out of their comfort zone and voice their opinions along with the rest of the group. None of us were sure if we were saying the right commands but the jobs were getting done and we were sailing! A quick detour was made to see some local dolphins and then we reached Anakiwa Bay. We already had started to learn to work as a team and begin to learn about each other and everyone was looking forward to the rest of the week.

There isn’t a day at outward bound that you don’t get wet. With one in the group not being very confident in the water the team soon learnt about looking out for and after each other. This group became so close after such a short time it was impressive to see. Braving the cold water in the sounds on a daily basis was a shock to the system at first but we soon got used to it.

There were many activities to do like, kayaking, rock climbing, high ropes, sailing, navigating, camping and hiking. There wasn’t enough time in the day to sit down and relax. Each day was challenging mentally and physically and you are often pushed beyond what you think you can do. All of the activities are designed to make you work together and have trust in the people around you. This was especially challenging for some as they were placing their trust in someone they had only just met. The skills you learn don’t just enable you to complete the task at hand but are there to teach you to overcome the obstacles that you face in life. You learn that with commitment and working together nothing is too hard, which is the whole philosophy of what Outward Bound is about. After each activity there is time to talk about life situations and how you work to overcome things you have found hard and the activity is used as a means with which to communicate that and solve problems. The activities made you form a tight bond with the group, as you were putting so much trust in each other. The entire time you are out there you are with each other- you eat, sleep and do activities with each other 24/7.

As part of the course there is ‘solo’ time, which is where you are left on your own in the bush for a period of time and must spend time there alone, including overnight. This time is for reflection and thinking about not only what the course has done for you but how you can use the skills you have learnt to apply to your life after Outward Bound. Whether it is troubles you have had in the past or some obstacles that may stand in your way. By this time you would have learned that most on the course are in the same situation as you and you work together to achieve these goals.

I had the luck of getting stuck on some random peninsula up the top of a very large hill! You are given little food and only a tarp and floor mat to sleep under. I must admit that I was looking forward to the solo time, just because I wouldn’t have anyone snoring beside me all night. Although the ground was not the most comfortable I slept most of the night till I heard a faint snore in the distance. I got up and saw the ground around me had been rooted and a wild pig was nearby. Sure enough I saw it as I walked along and it bolted down the hill.

Since the course has finished, our group have continued to stay in contact, emailing and sharing our stories and photos of the experience. It was a challenging 8 days and I made some life-long friends Our group are already preparing a 6month reunion to go camping with some activities. No doubt I will be taking them waka ama paddling.
I knew going into this that some of the physical aspects of the course may not be challenging for me. The way these courses are designed you get something out of this no matter what. I learnt so much about myself and it helped me realise what I want to achieve in life and that giving back to others is something I am passionate about. I helped others overcome their fears and barriers and for me that was the biggest buzz of all. I am lucky in all the opportunities I have been given through paddling and it is something I want to share with others.

Outward Bound is a place for anyone and everyone. Many go there because they are lost, need a challenge or have got to a stopping point in life. Whatever your reason, it teaches you things you never knew about yourself and develops invaluable life skills.

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