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Stolen Paddles

My car was stolen and has since been recovered, however missing from the car were 3 TAI DESIGN paddles. The steering paddle is quite well used but the 2 paddles were used for the first time in September, and still in perfect/new condition.

1 x AITO, fibreglass 9 1/2" x 48" overall

1 x TAI, fibreglass 9 1/2" x 48" overall

1 x TOROA steers, fibreglass 9 1/2" x 49" overall tapes missing on back

Also missing were 2 orange buoyancy aides with Te Paerangi written on it.

If you should come across anyone offering to sell you Tai Design paddles quite cheap other than Conan please ring me 0223294462.

Thank you Carolyn