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The Te Puku o Te Ika Regional held their regional regatta at Lake Tikitapu in Rotorua on Saturday 01 December and Sunday 02 December with good numbers turning out for the 2-day event.

The W6 races were run in perfect conditions and gave all new and old paddlers the opportunity to race against each other and hone those paddling skills

The W1 races were not so lucky with the weather. Very challenging conditions meant delays for the junior teams as they battled on in the high winds and choppy waters that were presented to us by Lake Tikitapu.

However, with perseverance and determination all W1 triallists were able to complete their races!

The event was run by the Rotorua Clubs; Ruamata, Hei Matau, Te Au Rere and Te Arawa Paddlers. We would like to thank the awesome volunteers who worked tirelessly over the 2-day event and continued to smile and provide an efficient and pleasant experience for those competing. It was really appreciated.

Congratulations to all paddlers, whanau supporters, and volunteers for making the event happen.

Please see attached the final results for the W1 500m, W1 250m, and the W6 250m and 500m.

These results are provisional and will remain in draft form until all clubs have paid their race fees for these regionals. Several clubs are still outstanding.

You will need to make contact through email to [email protected] asap to organise and make payments. Updated invoices are being processed for delivery to your Club Co-ordinators. Non-payment may affect qualifying paddlers being confirmed for the W1 qualifying event
and possibly the W6 events.

Organising Committee,
TPOTI Regionals 2012
