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Waitangi Day- Tiriti Commemoration


Waitangi- Opua - Russel


Wed 6th Feb 2013




Rangaunu Sports Club

Contact Details

Name: Hilda Halkyard-Harawira
Phone: 021 2900216


Waitangi Day- Tiriti Commemoration
Waitangi- Opua - Russel

Wed 6 Feb, Waitangi Turnabout
6.45am - have your waka ready, w1, w2, paddle board,w6, bring your hoe, life jacket, safety flares & bailer.

7am - 75 min hoe -course to be set on day by a local,
this is for people who are busy on the day - either on stalls
or hosting duties.

9am - Junior trails - Coordinator Ralph Ruka
Shorter distances for rangatahi

Rangaunu will be taking 2 x w6 canoes to Waitangi
Feb 4th, so other experienced paddlers can use them when we arent.
Waka will be loaded up 6th Feb, 2pm to return home.

Contact- Hilda Halkyard-Harawira 021 2900216
Notice board at the MANA TENT, Waitangi Marae.

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