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Schools 2013 - Finals Schools 2013 - Finals Schools 2013 - Finals Schools 2013 - Finals Schools 2013 - Finals Schools 2013 - Finals

Schools 2013 - Finals

And that is it for the Active Post 2013 Waka Ama Secondary School Sprint Nationals.

Great conditions out here at Tikitapu for the finals day.

Congrats to those schools have have won medals, and congrats to all those schools who have come and competed during the week.

There is a photo montage attached below, courtesy of Garrick @ Studio5, all the photos are available here and on facebook, also thanks to Opa Roozy for the videos of the racing also on facebook.

A big thanks to the team at Te Waiariki Purea Trust for all their hard work in setting up and running the event, also to all the volunteers from the schools for helping out during the week, Waki and his team on announcing, and of course to Lara for all her hard work promoting the sport, what would a Waka Ama Regatta be without Lara.

Hope you had fun, see you in 2014


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