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SUP Adventurer - Seeks support from Waka Ama Paddlers

New Zealand born Suplove Co-Founder and 2013 NZ SUP Champion, Stuart Murray, will tomorrow (Friday 12 April) embark on a Two Oceans stand up paddle expedition. Stuart, who was one of the earliest adopters of the sport of Stand Up Paddle in Australia and who remains one of the most accomplished and accredited Stand Up Paddle Coaches, is excited about completing the challenge in his birth country and further establishing Stand Up Paddle as an international, destination and adventure sport.

The Two Oceans paddle will take Stuart from the Tasman Sea to the Pacific Ocean via Manukau and Waitemata Harbours, finishing at the Mission Bay Reserve in Auckland. The estimated distance in total is 56 kilometres. In order to successfully complete this adventure, it will be necessary for Stuart to carry his board 3km, from the eastern most point of Manukau Harbour, where he arrives at the Otahuhu railyards at 11.30am, and to “The Ramp” on the Tamaki River, which leads to Waitemata Harbour, arriving about 12.30pm. This portage route was traditionally employed by both the Maori in transporting their canoes and also by early colonists, for their trade boats.

The waterway around Manukau Harbour is particularly treacherous, this being the site of New Zealand's worst Maritime Disaster, with 189 sailors losing their lives in an incident in 1863. "The success of this paddle will somewhat depend on the tides," Stuart advises, " Given the distance I will be travelling in a day and the extremely tidal nature of these harbours, there is no margin for error. I have to get it right." The River that leads to Waitemata Harbour is the Tamaki, translating in Maori culture as "the great serpent with eight tails" and holds much spiritual and cultural significance to the Maori.

It would be great if our waka ama whanau could be at the Ramp (Panama Road) around 12.30pm tomorrow to give Stuart support – He will be a tired man by then!

Stuart Murray [email protected] +61 431 231 542. Suplove is a stand up paddle company.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Supexplore for updates