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Free Heart Checks at Active Post Long Distance Nationals Free Heart Checks at Active Post Long Distance Nationals

Free Heart Checks at Active Post Long Distance Nationals

We are so pleased to announce that the team from One Heart Many Lives and the Heart Foundation will be onsite all day Saturday 27th April to carry out FREE Heart Checks for all Men over 30 years old

These Heart Checks are worth $90 each and we would
like to make sure that as many men as possible make the most of this opportunity.

Do it for your whanau, your team , your friends, your kids! Come down to the venue early so you have time to get it done.

The Heart Check will take about 30 minutes. And could be the most important 30 minutes of your life.

Please bring your team mates, husbands, friends to “get a heart check bro!”

From 8:00am Saturday 27th April – Royal Akarana Yacht Club.
