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Club Tips - Holding a Club Prizegiving

Club Tips - Holding a Club Prizegiving

Does your club have a prize giving? Maybe they should. Here are a few ideas to get things started.

I must admit, I have never really been one for awards or prize givings, but holding a club prize giving has been good for our club, and it's a great little social occasion too.

We (Tauranga Moana) have tried various options, pubs, evening vs daytime, at someones house etc.

The format we have come down to, has taken a few years to get right. We like this format cause it is child and family friendly, you get a paddle and prize giving combined, and who doesn't like a good feed.

1 - Club Paddle
Mix up all the members (not allowed to paddle with your regular team, it's not a race)
Pick a destination that is accessible by car. Half the club paddle 1 way, then swap over and the other half paddle back. (This maximizes the number of members that can paddle)

We generally paddle 10 km (one way), so that it is not over-the-top for newbies, but you still get a decent paddle for the more experienced paddlers.

2 - Big Feed
Everyone likes a big feed. Members bring a salad, Club covers the meat, and we have a big BBQ lunch on the waterfront. (Obviously this would depend on your club's financial situation, but this is what works for us)

3 - Club Video
We are fortunate enough that one of our members is a video buf, and puts together a short video and photo slideshow of what the club has been up to for the year. Racing, club days, through to fundraising events. We chuck this up on the big screen during lunch.

4 - Prize Giving
Lastly we present the awards. We found it hard to pick out what to recognise with our awards, so to give you an idea, this is what our club has come up with. It might give you some ideas for your club.

Results based Awards
- Top Male Paddler
- Top Female Paddler
- Top Junior Paddler
- Top Team

Participation based Awards
- Most Improved Paddler
- Most Dedicated Club Member
- Coach of the Year
- Personality of the Year

Initially we started out with a couple of permanent trophies (ones that need to be returned), and a bunch of smaller keepers that are handed out. Because nice trophies are expensive, we purchase one new permanent trophy each year until we have a full set, and just give keepers in the meantime.

How do you choose who gets the awards?
This can be hard sometimes, but usually someone shines in each category. We put out an anonymous survey asking for nominations, then we have a small sub-committee (2-3 people max) that review and make the call.

Timing of the event?
We hold our prize giving first weekend in May. End of April/May is end of season for us. Daylight saving has finished, club administrative duties wind down as we go into winter mode. All the main races have been run, and the weather is still pretty good.

Well that is enough from me, hope that has inspired you to hold a club prize giving if you aren't already.

If you have any questions or find these articles useful, just drop us a bell at [email protected] and that will encourage us to write some more.

Alex Ryder
Tauranga Moana Outrigger Canoe Club

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