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Facing the world's best at the Tahiti Nui Va'a Facing the world's best at the Tahiti Nui Va'a Facing the world's best at the Tahiti Nui Va'a

Facing the world's best at the Tahiti Nui Va'a

Twelve of New Zealand’s open mens paddlers have joined together to contest one of the toughest outrigger canoe races in the world.

The team travelling are:

1. Kingi Gilbert
2. Jaffray Ah Kuoi
3. Felipe Dos Santos
4. Paul Roozendaal
5. Tupuria King
6. Joshua Perese
7. Michael Rogerson
8. Troy Dolman
9. Cherokee Dolan
10. Kisione Fonua
11. Stephan Roulston
12. Sonny Pehi

“Our crew are less than a week away from attempting to circumnavigate Tahiti in the 166km "Tahiti Nui Va'a 2013," said Kingi Gilbert (Akarana Outrigger Club, Takapuna) organiser of the mission.

"The race is only held every two years. It's very prestigious in Tahiti.”

The team is comprised of paddlers from all around the country, “It’s a real honour to be in the team, we’ve got a great mix of experience and youth, the community support has been really humbling.”

"It's three days of racing around the main island. The first day we cover 70km and then the next day you race 46km and then 50km on the last day."

The long distance race will be a departure for many of the guys, who have only competed internationally for their clubs in sprint competition, 500 metres or local races.

"There’s only a few of us who have participated in an international multi-day paddling event where you have to back up marathon distance the day after, which is tough, but we've been training ourselves for it,“ said Roozendaal.

“Acclimatisation preparation is one of our main challenges, we’re coming together in New Zealand winter, training in 10 to 16 degrees and travelling to Tahiti with 27 to 30 degrees plus humidity – it’s a massive jump for the body to handle,” said Gilbert, “add to that an endurance training schedule, and crew work with twelve athletes - you have quite a job to knuckle down to.”

"Our Auckland team went to a 50km race in Tahiti in 2010 and were in the top five before falling back in the last home stretch. We'll hopefully be aiming for the podium, but it could be anything since its our first time." Said Gilbert

“Paddling is professional over there, to be the best you’ve got to compete against the best, we’ll get a great gauge for what we need to do. Afterwards we will share everything that we learn with the clubs and people who have supported us”,

The New Zealand team is supported by the paddling community, family and the help of some sponsors, but is largely funded by the athletes themselves, “We’re a pioneering group, hopefully this trip can serve as a template for other New Zealand teams in the future, we’re keeping in touch with Waka Ama NZ office to share learning’s and help them so they can develop a programme to help others compete in international races in the future.”

The race runs May 23-25.

visit the teams facebook page http://www.facebook.com/groups/523131051079907/

The Tahiti Nui Va'a Race website is http://www.tahitinuivaa.com/

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