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AROCA SERIES - Waitakere results AROCA SERIES - Waitakere results

AROCA SERIES - Waitakere results

Waitakere’s event as part of the AROCA winter series was held in typical Auckland winter weather, short periods of rain, wind and cold alternating every 20 minutes or so with short periods of sun, less wind and not so cold!

There was a great turnout of hardy paddlers enjoying 8km and 15km courses out into the Upper Waitemata Harbour.

Most Auckland clubs were representing and we welcomed a number of teams and paddlers from Tai Tokerau clubs as well. The large field in the juniors and novices race was particularly good to see – bodes well for the continuing growth of our sport.

Sea conditions were just bumpy enough to make paddling interesting, and particularly challenging for the many rudderless W1 paddlers who braved long stretches of paddling on one side. Well done everyone, thanks for your support and hope you enjoyed your day.

The Team at Waitakere.
