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Affiliated Membership Growth - Outstanding!

Affiliated Membership Growth - Outstanding!

One of our sports strategic outcomes is to increase membership by 5% every year for the next 3 years. Over the past 12 months our sport has made a considerable effort to increase the number of members we have recorded as affiliated members and we are really pleased with the outcome.

Congratulations to all the clubs and regions who have managed to increase their membership over the last 12 months. Every region has experienced growth well beyond the target of 5%.

Overall nationally our affiliated membership has increased by 29%
This is a huge increase and well above what most other sports in New Zealand are currently experiencing.

For all of us involved in our sport on a daily basis, we know that waka ama is popular and we know that it is growing quickly, but when we go to meet with funders, city councils, government, Sport New Zealand, sponsors, potential sponsors, being able to actually show them the hard facts on paper is invaluable and will help our sport prove that we are significant and should be taken seriously.

Regional Increases from July 1 2012 to 30 June 2013:
TTPCA = 47%
AROCA= 53%
TPOTI = 13%
TUOTR = 25.5%
HOE TONGA = 11.75%
TWOA = 161%

National Increase = 29%
You can view our sports membership increase visually here http://www.wakaama.co.nz/statistics/2013/general/thermometer

There is much more to be done and our plan over the next 12 months is to provide clubs and regions with more coaching and development resources that help the delivery of our sport, as well as tools on our website that can assist some of the administration areas of your club along with improved regional support for development.

If you have any queries regarding membership or affiliations please contact [email protected]