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2013 - 2014 Financial year and affiliated membership

2013 - 2014 Financial year and affiliated membership

The 2012/2013 Financial year ended on 30 June 2013. Please read on to see how the changes in our date of financial year effect affiliations for this season.

In January the Board of Nga Kaihoe o Aotearoa (Waka Ama NZ) held a special general meeting where the date of the organisation's financial year was changed to 1 October to 30 September.

In order to transition into this new financial year the financial year for 2013 /2014 will run from 1 July 2013 to 30 September 2014.

For more information on per paddler affiliations please click here http://www.wakaama.co.nz/pages/view/7

Clubs need to affiliate their members online for this financial year. Once they are affiliated they will be affiliated up to 30 September 2014.

If clubs affiliate paddlers from 1 July, clubs will still receive a monthly invoice for paddler affiliations, but these invoices will not be due until 20 October 2013.

Thanks to our our equipment supplier advertisers http://www.wakaama.co.nz/suppliers and New Zealand Post we will be continuing with our monthly prize draws. Over the last 12 months we have given away 40 prizes to lucky members.

If you wish to be in this draw you must be affiliated. You can check if your affiliation is current by clicking here and entering your ID number http://www.wakaama.co.nz/affiliationchecker

If your club has any questions regarding affiliations please don't hesitate to contact [email protected]