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Koroneihana Hoe Results

Koroneihana Hoe Results

We would like to thank all paddlers and their supporters who came to our event during the annual Koroneihana, in particular our Christchurch paddlers who flew up the night before to paddle with us. Conditions were foggy at the start and then sunny as the race wore on. There was good racing in both the 10km and 14km with lead changes throughout the race. Tupu King was the fastest man and too good on the day backing up his good result in Tahiti. Nicky Kingi had a solid race staying in front of the local women paddlers.

Trophy Winners
Te Puna o te Awa - Fastest Woman - Nicky Kingi
Tama Toa - Fastest Man - Shaun Wright
Hine Toa - Fastest Woman - Storme Pare
Top Club Award - Rahui Pokeka Waka Sports
Whanau Award - Baker Whanau
Te Taniwha o te Koroneihana - Fastest Man - Tupu King

Special thanks to:
New Zealand Transport Agency - Major Sponsor/ free race caps to all paddlers and prizes
Te Wananga o Aotearoa - major spot prizes 2 blades
Tai Blades - spot prizes
Ministry of Primary Industries - safety boat and support staff
Nga Kaimahi o Te Koroneihana -BBQ, food and drink Waikato Raupatu Lands Trust - safety boat and support staff
Waikato Raupatu River Trust - safety boat and support staff
Nga Miro Health Centre - facilities
Radio Tainui - Sound system
Opa Roozy - Video


Photo Gallery (click to enlarge)

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