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Final 2013 Rotohoe results

Final 2013 Rotohoe results

Ruamata wishes to thank all paddlers who participated in the Rotohoe Series. Your support of our events is greatly appreciated.

Kia hiwa ra, kia hiwa ra
Kia hiwa ra ki te konukutanga o te ra
Whakaara ra, whakaara ra
Whakaara ra te ihu atamai, te ihu manea
Kaore a te ihu wareware
Maringi noa te iti kahurangi
Kia hiwa ra, kia hiwa ra
E tika ana kia mihi ake ki nga mate o te wa
Ko era kai runga i a tatou, kia tangihia nei, i te ao i te po,
Haere, haere haere atu ra.

E nga mana, e nga reo, e nga karangarangatanga maha i tau mai ki to tatou kaupapa o te Rotohoe,
Ko tenei te mihi ake, te harikoa o te ngakau,i tae tokomaha mai nga mataawaka ki nga roto wai o Te Arawa waka,
Kia patukihia e nga hoe, kia ekehia nga ngaru, kia rongo ai i te reo kotahi o nga kaihoe..' kia mau, ki te hoe....kokiri.'

Na Wairangi

Ruamata wishes to thank all paddlers who participated in the Rotohoe Series. Your support of our events is greatly appreciated.

Photos can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.435898719864021.1073741841.367380583382502&type=1


Photo Gallery (click to enlarge)
