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Extension: Elected Board Member Nominations

Extension: Elected Board Member Nominations

We have extended Nominations for Elected Board Member nominations until 5pm Thursday 21st November.

Nga Kaihoe o Aotearoa, (Waka Ama New Zealand) Inc is the non-profit national sporting organisation for the sport of Waka Ama in New Zealand. The organisation’s current structure has been in place since October 2011 and the last two years have been extremely positive for our sport.

We are currently seeking nominations for one (1) elected board position.

The first two years of the Waka Ama New Zealand Board has established a sound structure in governance and management that will ensure our organisation can continue to keep up with the growth of our sport and provide our membership and our future membership with opportunities that ensure we achieve our long term vision.

25 Year Vision
To realise Waka Ama’s professional, participation and financial potential.
In the year 2035, future generations will have a sport where:
“Waka Ama is a heavyweight in the Aotearoa New Zealand sporting psyche and is recognised as a global leader and significant influencer in the sport nationally and internationally… Tikanga is second nature... competitor numbers have grown exponentially at all levels from participation to competitive… Waka Ama is a sport in all schools… we’ve won gold at multiple significant global events from IVF World Sprint Championships to Molokai Hoe… there are record crowds at races in Aotearoa New Zealand… our sport is in demand by the media… Aotearoa New Zealand is leading the way in developing safe and fair race standards across the world… clubs are thriving…Our National Office is financially self-sufficient, our national officers are salaried staff and our elite paddlers are professionals. Waka Ama is a New Zealand Sport for all New Zealanders... Waka Ama Aotearoa New Zealand is used as a model for other NSOs for our systems, technology, event management and structure, which epitomises integrity, excellence & Mana.”

As per our constitution, every two years one appointed board member is required to stand down from the board. Current Board member Caren Fox has opted to stand down from the Board. We thank Caren for her valuable input into the Board over the past two years, especially in the area of Sanctioning, one of the biggest pieces of work undertaken by the organisation in recent years.

We are currently seeking nominations for one (1) elected board position.

The Board, which is voluntary, will meet a minimum of four face to face meeting per calendar year, however further commitment may be required for teleconferences and sub-committee roles related to Board matters.

The Board is made up of four (4) elected board members and three (3) appointed Board members. We are currently calling for nominations for one (1) elected position.

Nominations can be made by Member Clubs or Member Regions. You can nominate any individual. Nominees do not need be a member/paddler of your club or region.

We are seeking Board members who will take an active involvement in the sport’s governance body and in the best interests of its membership as a whole.

All nominees must be honest, reliable, trustworthy and comfortable to ‘walk and talk’, particularly in relation to the values of our sport (as outlined in our Strategic Plan)

Nomination forms are attached below and must be received, complete with relevant nominee profile and references, by 5pm on 21st November 2013 (Extension)

A short-list of nominees will be selected from the nominations, based on the skills that best provide for the needs our organisation. This final list of nominees, along with their profiles, will be posted on the Waka Ama website by 25 November 2013.

Each member club will then be sent a link to submit their vote electronically. Votes from Member Clubs must be submitted by 5pm on Friday 20th December 2013

The successful nominee will be announced at the Nga Kaihoe O Aotearoa (Waka Ama NZ) Inc AGM in January.

For further information contact
[email protected]
