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TMOCC - Waka Ama Have a Go Day!

TMOCC - Waka Ama Have a Go Day!

TMOCC held our annual "Have a Go" / "Club Open Day", this weekend just been.

We had over 50 people come down and try it out, with a lot keen to carry on and do the 6 week intro to Waka Ama programme we run.

Just thought we would share some pics and info, to encourage other clubs to run open days as well.

Here is some info we published last year detailing how we run our day

If you have any questions, just drop us a line
[email protected]

And if you do run one, feel free to email through some pics to the Waka Ama website.
[email protected]

Tauranga Moana Outrigger Canoe Club

Photo Gallery (click to enlarge)

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