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Flip and Float - Waka Ama NZ Safety Road Show - Auckland

Flip and Float - Waka Ama NZ Safety Road Show - Auckland

The Waka Ama Water Safety Roadshow is getting ready to hit the big smoke of Tamaki Makaurau!

Water Safety NZ, ActivePost and Waka Ama NZ are bringing Pool Based Waka Ama Safety Sessions to a town near you!!

The next Flip and Float session will be held in Auckland on Sunday the 17th of November 2013 at the AUT Millennium Pool

For more information see attached flyer!

These Waka Ama Water Safety sessions will include:
- Basic Waka Ama Skills and Waka Ama capsize drill
- Maritime rules
- Life jackets and other Safety Equipment
- Swim and survive techniques

Get in quick and register as spaces are limited!

Registrations for the Auckland session close 8th November 2013

For more information and registrations please contact: [email protected]


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