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The Great Lakes Race 2013 The Great Lakes Race 2013 The Great Lakes Race 2013 The Great Lakes Race 2013 The Great Lakes Race 2013

The Great Lakes Race 2013

Tēnā rā tātou, Ngā mihi ki ngā kaihoe, koutou ko ngā kaitautoko, ko ngā kaiawhina, ko ngā Māori Wardens. Ngā mihi hoki ki a Jubilee Edmonds mō ēnei whakaahua rawe.

Tēnā rā tātou
Ngā mihi ki ngā kaihoe, koutou ko ngā kaitautoko, ko ngā kaiawhina, ko ngā Māori Wardens. Ngā mihi hoki ki a Jubilee Edmonds mō ēnei whakaahua rawe.

Ruamata wishes to thank the thirteen teams that competed this year - 8 Men's crews, 3 Mixed crews and 2 Women's crews. All crews finished the 30 km race in under three hours. The day started with heavy fog that fortunately lifted by Race Start, revealing a sunny day with a maximum temp of 21 degrees.

We also wish to thank all supporters and helpers and acknowledge Jubilee Edmonds for the photography.

More photos can be found on our club Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/434858139869245/
