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Stolen Waka

Stolen Waka

Taniwha Outrigger Canoe Club based at Carmel College has recently had two single waka stolen.

They were last seen/used 8pm Thursday 3 October and discovered missing Saturday 5 October 7am.

This access area cannot be seen from the main road and all single waka are secured and locked to racks.

These Tahitian waka were locked and elevated on a rack.
The person/s who did this removed an older waka from the rack, removed the two Tahitian waka and replaced the older waka back onto the rack.

One x Fai3 rudderless waka

One x Jacques rudderless waka


We have solid leads and names of persons of interests to a number of the canoes that have gone missing in Auckland in the past 2years. With this new information & the return of another canoe from another incident, we are confident we are close to solving this investigation.

If you have credible information or are involved but decide against co-operating, you risk the chance of avoiding being exposed to the wider waka ama community, embarrassing yourself and your family. The matter will then be handed over to the NZ Police with information gathered so far. This is an opportunity for this matter to be closed off quietly and we hope the smart decision in the best interests of those involved in the crime, is made.

If anyone is aware or knows of any information regarding these canoes missing from Takapuna or Birkenhead and would like to meet & discuss in a friendly but discrete location, please call:

021975444 or email: [email protected]