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James Moore Memorial Race 2014 James Moore Memorial Race 2014 James Moore Memorial Race 2014 James Moore Memorial Race 2014

James Moore Memorial Race 2014

Thank you everyone for making this event so great. This year ran so smoothly. We had 105 canoes on the water and only 3 never finished. I am told one pulled out because he remembered he had other plans so paddled in himself. The king tide was a test at the end and im glad everyone challenged themselves and made. congrates to everyone.

Most people had their cellphones and were able to call if they needed help. only a few people joined the www.endomondo.com site, but we were able to track the ones that used it and even some of the families were watching it during the race. For future races if we get more people on the line we can have a big screen showing where everyone is for the spectators at the finishline. Also helps with safety.

I was a little worried with how big the conditions were going to be but our safety team came through, with some big, small boats and jetskis. I hope everyone felt safe as i think it was our best safety team so far. Thanks to Maketu, Tauranga Coastguards and the volunteers.

We run this race at cost so thanks to our sponsors you were able to walk away with some awesome spot prizes. http://www.eastcoastpaddler.co.nz/ for supporting us every year and giving out that awesome paddle and paddling gear.

Please support these guys as they help make the race what it is.

We also have some more great races coming up with https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bo-Herbert-Memorial-Race/1433775846852993 and https://www.facebook.com/pages/Takapuna-Beach-Cup-Waka-Ama-Race/161516057199420

Thanks again for Supporting our event. Its all about the Memory of a great man James Moore Who died paddling that same course. Lets Be safe, paddle the distance and enjoy ocean paddling. I heard some stories how James helped them out of race day. He definately watched over us that day and put the wind at our back. Thanks Bhutt for being our Tangaroa

Join our FB page https://www.facebook.com/JamesMooreMorialRace?ref=hl to view photos and video from the years. and to be up to date about next years race also.

Paul and the team


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