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Monthly Prize Draw #18 February

Monthly Prize Draw #18 February

In December thanks to our suppliers we gave away a 1kg of 100% Whey Protein and 500G of Micronised Creatine from Eat Me Supplements, a Okole Gel Seat Pad from East Coast Paddler and a $50 Prezzy Card from New Zealand Post. This month our prizes are donated by Gillespie Paddles, Aerofast Tiedowns Ltd and New Zealand Post.

This months prizes are:

*** Surge Ultralite Paddle - has a lower profile blade (lower shoulders). Lotsa cedar with eastern white pine, and some tulip for compression resistance. The paddle weighs approx. 19 ounces, and is gorgeous! A slight lip assists the blade 'purchase', and even if you don't know what this means, it is critical to blade 'bite' or grip, as it enters the water. I do a lot of testing on blades, and this is one of the most critical features. This style blade also eliminates blade waffle -- something you will notice with fuller blades that have no lip. Balance is excellent, so the blade and shaft share a unique feel -- as one! These blades are very durable. The edges are wrapped in a double red maple banding, they are epoxied and glassed with 2 ounce cloth; a laminated maple/phenolic tip is embedded into the powerface; they flex, so they don't just suddenly snap, like a carbon shaft will under sudden duress, donated by Gillespie Paddles***

***Trailer Tiedown Kit consisting of twin pack of ratchet tiedowns, trailer net, safety flag and storage bag donated by Aerofast Tiedowns Ltd***

*** $50 Prezzy Card donated by New Zealand Post ***

How do you go in the draw?
All you need to do is to be an affiliated member of a Waka Ama Club that is affiliated to Nga Kaihoe o Aotearoa (Waka Ama NZ) Inc.

How do you know if you are affiliated?
You can enter your ID card number into our new affiliation checker and it will tell you if you are currently affiliated http://wakaama.co.nz/affiliationchecker

If you are not affiliated or you do not know your ID card number, please check with your club, they will be able to tell you your ID card number or affiliate you.

So who can win prizes?
Anyone who has an ID card number that is a current affiliated member.

How do you find out more about affiliation?
You can click here to find out about affiliation and what it means http://www.wakaama.co.nz/pages/view/7

Please remember that every year after 30 June 2013 all affiliations expire and clubs need to re-affiliate their members for the 2013/14 year, in order to be included in the monthly prize draws.

If you have any questions please email [email protected] we are only to happy to assist you.

Photo Gallery (click to enlarge)

Trailer Kit.jpg Aerofast Hi Res logo.jpg Prezzy Card.jpg Gillespie paddle.3.jpg Gillespie logo.jpg ActivePost logo.jpg