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Monthly Prize Draw Winners for March

Monthly Prize Draw Winners for March

Congratulations to our Members Prize Draw winners this month who win prizes donated by Kapinua and New Zealand Post.

Our winners are:

*** Steve Curtis - Horouta Waka Ama Club Inc who wins the $200 voucher towards any team wear clothing. Look and feel like a winner! Kapinua give you the possibilities to look awesome in your gears while you feel proud to wear them. Choose clothing from our sublimated gear or any other clothing from our extensive range donated by Kapinua ***

*** Jo Werahiko - Porirua Canoe Kayak Club Inc who wins the $50 Prezzy Card donated by New Zealand Post ***

You will be contacted through your club and arrangements made for your prizes to be delivered.

Thank you to our sponsors this month Kapinua and New Zealand Post for their donations.

Photo Gallery (click to enlarge)

Kapinua gear.jpg Prezzy card.png ActivePost_RGB_HR.jpg kapinua logo.jpg