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Rotohoe Series 2 Results and Progression table Rotohoe Series 2 Results and Progression table

Rotohoe Series 2 Results and Progression table

E nga mana, e nga reo, e nga karangarangatanga maha i tau mai ki to tatou kaupapa o te Rotohoe, ko tenei te mihi ake, te harikoa o te ngakau, i tae tokomaha mai nga mataawaka ki nga roto wai o Te Arawa waka, kia patukihia e nga hoe, kia ekehia nga ngaru, kia rongo ai i te reo kotahi o nga kaihoe..' kia mau, ki te hoe….kokiri'.

Thank you to all paddlers and supporters who attended our Rotohoe Event Two ~ we appreciate your continued participation and support of the Rotohoe Series! (Race results and the series progression table below). We got off to a late start due (in part) to our Race committee's decision to alter the course based on weather forecast information. We apologize for this however it is within our race rules that we may make such decisions at our discretion in the best interests of safety which is paramount to a successful day.

NB: RACE ONE at our next Rotohoe (5th July at Tarawera) will start at 9 AM. so we're not all strapping up in the mid-winter morning darkness.

LOST PROPERTY: A yellow shopping bag of women's gear, found in the women's toilets at Lake Rotoma has been handed in. Please email [email protected] if this is yours.

Lastly, many thanks to Opa Roosy for sharing your fantastic photos with us all (links are available on our Rotohoe Series Facebook page). https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rotohoe-Series/367380583382502

I runga i nga mihi,
The Rotohoe Series Committee and
Ruamata Waka Ama
