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Great Harbour Challenge 2014 - Results

Great Harbour Challenge 2014 - Results

A shift in venue due to northerly winds didn't dampen our enthusiasm as 180+ paddlers along with whanau and supporters hit the Petone Foreshore on the site of Hikoikoi Pa to celebrate Matariki with our annual waka ama event.

The atmosphere on the beach was energetic, relaxed and gave competitors and whanau a chance to catch up with old paddling buddies and experience a great competition on a course designed for all levels. Race distances proved fairly challenging for some 8km (novice, junior) and 15km for seniors and more experienced paddlers. Stand up paddle boarders supported this event with a 4km course and demonstrated how far this sport has come with two juniors taking part on a smaller course. Great to see the parents out there encouraging participation.

Hikoikoi Waka ama Club would like to thank our many volunteers, paddlers and support craft that made this event a success along with support from:
Wellington Tenths Trust
Palmerston North Maori Reserve
Wellington City Council
Waka Ama NZ
NZ Post Group

Hikoikoi Waka ama Club
