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Hoe Matariki 2014 Results

Hoe Matariki 2014 Results

Nga mihi ki a koutou katoa Thank you to all the clubs and paddlers that supported Hoe Matariki.

 The success of this event is you, our wider paddling whanau.  We appreciated the added support to get junior crews and novice teams on the water – Hoe Matariki is all about whanau and growing waka ama through introducing new paddlers to the sport we love. 

 Also it is important to acknowledge the senior teams that came to race and who provided us all with entertaining finishes across the line.  We had a new 18km course this year, together with an incoming tide and great racing conditions.  Teams were not disappointed.  Thanks to our partners the Whangarei Cruising Club for such a great venue and extra support boats; and to the volunteers who provided support boats – we literally couldn’t have run Hoe Matariki without you.

Thanks also to the volunteers that gave up their day to help us host our regatta, especially the non-club members – you rock!!!

See you all in 2015!!!


Parihaka Waka Ama

