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Expandasign NZ Ltd - Special Club Offer

Expandasign NZ Ltd - Special Club Offer

Expandasign, signage supplier for Waka Ama NZ Inc, have some great deals for our clubs with gazebos, tents and banners. Get your orders in now for summer.

Check out the attached flyer for details and remember to include the special code : WA/expandasign2014  to ensure your discount.

There are many more products available so don't hesitate to talk to Barry for any of your signage requirements or obtaining quotes for funding purposes.

Freephone 0508 2266 377

[email protected]



Photo Gallery (click to enlarge)

Expandasign_ExStar Tent sample.jpg Expandasign_gazebo sample.jpg Expandasign-pull up banner sample.jpg Expandasign_Flying banners.jpg