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Koroneihana Results 2014 Koroneihana Results 2014

Koroneihana Results 2014

Race results and photos

A big mihi to all the paddlers and their supporters who came to our event during the annual Koroneihana. Conditions were great; nice and warm. There was good racing in both the 7km and 14km with a quite a few paddlers being passed because they either got stuck in the trees (usually caused by the paddler doing the passing) or they ran a ground trying to cut a corner. 

Due to the previous days rain there was a strong current, which caused a few paddlers to go for a swim. 

Mark Malaki was the fastest man, overtaking Troy Dolman on the last leg home. Nicky Kingi backed up her win from the previous year to be the fastest woman. Fastest Junior Woman and Junior Man were Rangiiria and Big Rhei respectively.

Trophy Winners
Te Puna o te Awa - Fastest Woman - Nicky Kingi
Tama Toa - Fastest Man – Rhei Pare
Hine Toa - Fastest Woman – Rangiiria Barclay-Kerr
Top Club Award – Cook Island Outrigger Canoe Club
Whanau Award – Hona Whanau Whanau
Te Taniwha o te Koroneihana - Fastest Man – Mark Malaki-Williams

Special thanks to:
Mighty River Power/Waikato-Tainui Partnership - Major Sponsor
Te Wananga o Aotearoa
Tai Blades
Ministry of Primary Industries
Nga Kaimahi o Te Koroneihana
Waikato Raupatu River Trust
Nga Miro Health Centre Gym

Photos c/o Hone





Photo Gallery (click to enlarge)

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