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Stolen Waka Ama W6 and Trailer

Tena koe e nga roopu waka ama katoa o te Puku o Te Ika, Arohamai for this e-mail however we humbly seek any assistance from the wider local waka ama network. Between Friday, 15th August 2014 and Sunday, 17th August 2014 the weekend just passed a waka ama W6 and trailer belonging to our Trust (Waikato Waka Ama Sports Foundation) was stolen from a secure and locked base at Hopuhopu yard.

It’s clear this theft was planned, deliberate and taken from Tainui-Waikato premises by person/s who knew how to evade normal security i.e. cameras and knew exactly what they wanted to steal.


Whilst the Police have been formally informed and have begun their investigations it is clear from our perspective that the perpetrators will eventually seek to utilize the waka ama and as because it is of “W6 size” it will be noticed if and when it is used or attempts that might be made to sell it.


The description of the Waka W6 is translucent blue gunnels, seats and spray skirt with a white hull and is a Moana Nui W6 brand built by them in April-June 2012, the trailer was grey in colour and has a permanent chassis number, registration and license of G379S, whilst these may be amended in future there are other distinctive permanent markings.


We seek any information that may lead to the recovery of this valued community resource and ask that if you are approached about use of a waka W6 and trailer that you please confirm its ownership and if you have any doubt contact the Ngaruawahia Police, Sarah Gales or alternatively a confidential e-mail to me.


I am authorized by the Waikato Waka Ama Sports Foundation to put out this e-mail and any queries can be directed to me including more detail if required, I will also be putting this out to Waka Ama NZ / Nga Kaihoe o Aotearoa.


Thank you regardless for your support and time, I sincerely hope this never ever happens to you or your club and that you are able to continue with the awesome positive waka ama activities with our whanau on the water, nga mihi...


Bill Takerei

Deputy Chairperson

Waikato Waka Ama Sports Foundation