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Stolen Waka Ama V6 Trolley

Tui Tonga Canoe Club humbly seeks any assistance from the wider Waka Ama network, last weekend our V6 trolley was stolen from the all tide ramp on Coronation Road, Mangere Bridge.

The theft occurred while crews were out on the water training, and it is clear that this was a planned robbery.
The trolley was made by Graham Cawood from Mt Wellington in Auckland. These trolleys are distinctive due to their full stainless steel construction and furthermore this trolley had our club initials "TTCC" welded on to the main cross beam (please refer to the photos).

We seek any information that may lead to the recovery of this trolley. Please do not hesitate to contact me via phone or email to [email protected]

Thank you for your support.

Malo 'aupito

Tui Tonga Canoe Club NZ
Fole (Daleki) Finau

Photo Gallery (click to enlarge)

TTCC Trolley 1.jpg TTCC Trolley 2.jpg