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AROCA Sports Awards and Winter Series Winners

AROCA Sports Awards dinner was held on Saturday night to celebrate the success of the AROCA Paddlers, Clubs and Supporters in the Sport of Waka Ama.

AROCA Waka Ama Sport Awards 2014


1st October 2013 – 30th September 2014

Category: Winner

1. Sportsman:                     Mark Malaki Williams – Manukau Club

2. Sportswoman:                Storme Pare – Cook Island Club

3. International Paddler:   Storme Pare – Cook Island Club (Silver Medalist Brazil World Sprints W1)

4. International Team:       Hinemoa – NKOA (Aratika Club)

5. National Paddler:           Brad Anderson – Manukau Club

6. National Team:               Vaka Manu – Manukau Club

7. Coach:                             Wayne Pile – Coached successful Tiare Maori team to World Sprints – Rio de Janerio, Brazil 2014

8. Administrator:                Sugar Te Paa – Taniwha

9. Supporter Award:          Agnes Tere – Waitakere Club

10. Sportsmanship:           Cook Island Club  Taniwha Wahinez (Senior Master Women)

11. AROCA Club:                Cook Islands

12. Premium Award:          Brad Anderson

Congratulations to all nominees and winners.

A full list of the AROCA Winter Series category Winners is attached.

AROCA Winter Series Overall Points Winner went to the Cookies with 344 Points!!


Photo Gallery (click to enlarge)

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