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2015 Ace Cuthers Memorial Club Spirit Trophy Winners 2015 Ace Cuthers Memorial Club Spirit Trophy Winners

2015 Ace Cuthers Memorial Club Spirit Trophy Winners

In 2011 Nga Kaihoe o Aotearoa (Waka Ama New Zealand) initiated 2 new trophies to be awarded annually at the Sprint Nationals. The Trophies were carved by Matahi Whakataka Brightwell who has been instrumental in the re-birth and growth of the sport of Waka Ama in Aotearoa.

One of the Trophies was carved and named in honour of Ace Cuthers who we sadly lost in 2010. It is the “Ace Cuthers Memorial Club Spirit Award”. It is a trophy that is chosen by the Volunteers and Officials at the event.

They take into consideration actions of the club throughout the week, their performance on and off the water. The club that optimises the values of Waka Ama; Manaakitanga, Whanaungatanga, Hauora , Tu Tangata, and of course the memory of Ace himself.

The winning club in 2015 was Te Toki Voyaging Trust and were presented with the trophy by Louise Henderson and Matahi Brightwell.

Te Toki Voyaging Trust has a long History with Waka Ama in Aotearoa and this week they continued to show their presence both on and off the water. Their junior paddlers assisted with rigging and loading of waka leading up to and throughout the week. The club were consistent throughout the entire week and volunteers made mention of them daily. 

Thank-you Te Toki Voyaging Trust  for your contribution to the the 26th Waka Ama Sprint Nationals and congratulations on being the recipients of this years Ace Cuthers Memorial Club Spirit Award.

Photo Gallery (click to enlarge)

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