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Sport Waikato Secondary Schools Waka Ama Regatta Sport Waikato Secondary Schools Waka Ama Regatta

Sport Waikato Secondary Schools Waka Ama Regatta

Results from the Sport Waikato Secondary Schools Waka Ama Regatta held at Lake Ngaroto on Saturday.

Thanks to all the schools that attended our first Regional Secondary school champs. The event would not have been possible without the help of our sponsors Tai Paddles, Te Wananga o Aotearoa and Pak n Save. All the volunteers on the day did an amazing job keep everything running smoothly and keeping us safe on the water. Please nominate all the volunteers that helped on the day and the coaches that got your teams to the event on https://adobeformscentral.com/?f=e-8puE34kTwf2M9vrYIz5Q# . Fill in this form to show your appreciation as without them. There is no sport.


It was great to see so many new schools taking part in their first ever Waka Ama event and they are now looking for forward to Nationals in Rotorua later this month.


With the weather not looking the best leading up to race day, we were blessed with glassy hot conditions in the morning making for some fast times. The wind picked up after our lunch break and became stronger throughout the remainder of the day meaning unfortunately we had to cut the racing short. We were unable to finish our last five races and so the winners are based on the fastest heat times.


Well done to all the teams that took on the challenge to compete as there were some tough conditions.


All event photos will be posted on our Facebook page. Like this link as we will be adding photos.

