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Waka Ama Water Safety - Flip and Float Video Waka Ama Water Safety - Flip and Float Video Waka Ama Water Safety - Flip and Float Video

Waka Ama Water Safety - Flip and Float Video

Kia ora koutou, with help from our friends at Water Safety New Zealand we have created a number of resources to help our waka ama whānau stay safe on the water. Check out our super awesome - Waka Ama Flip and Float video!

The purpose of this video is to provide our clubs, paddlers and community with an online resource that educates our waka ama whānau in the area of water safety.

This video explains:

  • how to fit a lifejacket correctly for each paddler.
  • how to right a capsized waka,
  • the steps involved to right the waka, get back in it and bail.

Waka Ama NZ recommends that clubs ensure all club members should be proficient in this skill and feel comfortable doing it. 

This drill should be completed in a safe and controlled environment (that can be outside) and that life jackets should be worn for the duration of the drill.

Always ensure all instructions are clear to the paddlers - the best place to tautoko your paddlers flipping their waka - is in the water with them.

A special mihi to Kingi and Jackson from Ignite Studios for the awesome production. Our cast - Conan Herbert, Turanga Barclay-Kerr and our students from Ngaruawahia High School. Finally a huge thank you to Water Safety New Zealand and your support of this kaupapa.

Check out our awesome video below.... please share with your club, whānau, friends and wider waka ama whānau. Enjoy!!

Keep an eye on our website over the next week as we roll out some more exciting waka ama water safety resources with help from Water Safety New Zealand!!

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