Congratulations to the Horouta Waka Hoe Club who once again won the prestigious Club Points Trophy.
Since 2011 Nga Kaihoe o Aotearoa (Waka Ama New Zealand) have awarded 2 new trophies. The Trophies were carved by Matahi Whakataka Brightwell who has been instrumental in the re-birth and growth of the sport of Waka Ama in Aotearoa. Matahi Brightwell.
The Club points trophy recognises a clubs paddling excellence and achievement throughout the week. Points are accumulated throughout the week from all finals and the club with the most points at the end of the week awarded this honour.
Horouta Waka Hoe has won this trophy 9 times in the passed 10 years! A truly outstanding achievement and one that should not be understated. To reach this level of excellence consistently across nearly all of the age divisions year in and year out is not something that happens by chance. It is through the many thousands of hours of organisation, coaching, managing, fundraising, communicating, more coaching and then some more organising!
This years points:
1st = Horouta - 374.5 points
2nd = Manukau - 157.5 points
3rd = Hei Matau - 153.7 points