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Secondary School Waka Ama Nationals Cancelled

Secondary School Waka Ama Nationals Cancelled

Following the announcement made earlier today by the New Zealand Government informing all events larger than 500 participants to cancel

(along with the further announcement from School Sport New Zealand regarding Secondary School Summer Tournament week http://www.nzsssc.co.nz/newsarticle/88188?enewsid=20370), Waka Ama New Zealand will be cancelling the Secondary School Waka Ama Nationals scheduled to take place from 30th of March to 2nd April 2020.
Due to the size and scale of our event and the busyness of the full Secondary School calendar, not to mention the extra pressure that schools will be under with as yet unknown future COVID-19 implications, any consideration given to postponement was deemed impossible.  
This decision is made in the interests of the health and welfare of the public, along with the well being of our Waka Ama whānau, Secondary Schools and most importantly the participants, volunteers and event organisers. 

With 131 Secondary Schools entered and 2000 plus students the event would have been our biggest yet, however we look forward to the Waka Ama Secondary School Nationals in 2021 which will be the 20th edition of the event and another great milestone for our sport. 

We would like to thank Te Waiariki Purea Trust for all the work they have done on the ground to organise the event this year. Also thanks to our Waka Fleet partner Te Wānanga o Aotearoa for their support leading up to the event, and to the New Zealand Sports Collective who we were working with (alongside Sky Sport Next) to live stream the event for the first time. 

A very special mihi to all of the schools, teachers, clubs and coaches who have trained so hard to come to the event. We appreciate all of the mahi that goes on in order to get school teams organised to attend. Thank you all for your continued support of Waka Ama and this event 

If you have any questions relating to the cancellation of the event you can contact [email protected] 

If you have any concerns regarding COVID-19, you can call the dedicated Healthline for free on 08003585453 (or +64 9 358 5453 if you’re using an international SIMS)  
Please ensure that you are aware of all the health precautions necessary to limit the spread of the virus. This Ministry of Health link, answers many common questions about COVID-19 at health.govt.nz/covid-19

Take care of one another 

Ngā mihi 