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Waka Ama NZ Data Collection

Waka Ama New Zealand conducted a Census in 2018 with the purpose to gather important demographic data about our Waka Ama Membership. This will enabled us to have a clearer picture of who our membership is and how we can ensure that we best serve the needs of our Waka Ama community. The Census was part 1 in the collection of data phases. Part 2 is to try and capture member information that was not captured through the census, to do that we are requesting the help of our member clubs.

This data also enables Waka Ama NZ to get a very clear picture of our waka ama community so that we can better understand and communicate with our membership and, ensure there are relevant and accurate statistics about our sport and its members.

We will be forwarding the Data Collection form to each club and seek your assistance in completing the paddler information, returning the spreadsheet and we will update the members area.

Once updated we will be able to provide your club with statistics and information that may assist your club in the future. 

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]