All waka trailer, paddler and spectator parking will be on the airfield. Please follow the directions of our traffic volunteers. Be patient and take care. The airfield will be open for parking from Friday 3.30pm. If you are arriving earlier or have any queries please contact Conan on 021901510. Please bring waka trolley's if you can - all waka to be trolleyed over from the airfield/parking area. Allow plenty of time. Be organised - all races will be starting on time. Race 1 starts at 9am.
There has been a change to the original site plan please refer to the updated parking map below for new trailer and vehicle parking layout.
Race Starts
Due to the large number of entries and limited space, Races 2 and 3 will be started in two waves separated by 5mins.
Race 2 - All Women's W6 20km teams will start 5mins before all W6 mixed teams.
Race 3 - Senior and Golden Master Men W6 20km teams will start 5mins before all Open and Master Men W6 20km teams.
This will be announced and explained at the race briefings.
Race 1 will remain the same with no changes
We look forward to seeing you all on race day