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Waka Ama NZ COVID-19 Vaccine information + Webinar

Waka Ama NZ COVID-19 Vaccine information + Webinar

With summer rolling around fast, Waka Ama NZ is gearing up for another busy summer of paddling and events all around Aotearoa. Moving forward as we learn more about this current outbreak and learn to live with COVID 19 in our lives, it is important to Waka Ama New Zealand that our community and our Waka Ama whānau are as safe and protected as possible. There are lots of measures that we can all take to help protect ourselves and our whānau - One of the biggest tools we have available for protection is the COVID 19 Vaccine.

Being fully vaccinated, if you are eligible, will help ensure our community is safe from the virus, it will also help to protect those who are not eligible to receive the vaccine and it will help to ensure that Waka Ama events can continue to take place over summer


Waka Ama New Zealand encourages our entire waka ama community to get vaccinated if you are within the eligible ages. 


Over the coming days and weeks, we will be sharing information about the vaccination and vaccination rollout to help to inform those who are not yet vaccinated. We encourage all of our Regions and Clubs to pass on credible information about the Covid 19 vaccine to their members and whānau. 


On Wednesday 13th October at 7 pm we will be hosting a Webinar that will be open for anyone to attend and hear from leading medical practitioners (who are also part of our waka ama whānau), who will talk about the Covid 19 vaccine and answer questions. We encourage you to join that webinar and pass it on to anyone who may be interested. 

Dr Matire Hardwood, Dr Jamie-Lee Rahiri and Dr Anthony Jordan will talk about the Covid 19 vaccine and answer questions you might have. We encourage you to register for this webinar and pass it on to anyone who may be interested. The webinar is free and we ask when you register to provide us with any pātai (questions) or areas regarding the vaccine that you would like our experts to cover.

Click here to register for the webinar


Whilst we haven't received any directive from the Government yet regarding a vaccine mandate for events, this may be something that takes effect in the near future and to avoid disappointment, those who are putting off getting vaccinated should initiate the process now. 


Here is a link that provides all the info on how to book your vaccine



Waka Ama New Zealand is here to answer any questions that you may have, please don't hesitate to ask by emailing [email protected]

We can't wait to see you all again and especially looking forward to Sprint Nationals in January, Takapuna Beach Cup in February, Secondary School Nationals in March and Long Distance Nationals in April. 


Kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui


Ngā mihi 
