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Update regarding Elite Paddler Intent process for IVF World Elite Championship

Update regarding Elite Paddler Intent process for IVF World Elite Championship

Due to the change in travel advisory and information from the IVF this week advising that vaccination will not be required to attend the World Sprints in Windsor, UK. Waka Ama NZ will be opening an opportunity for paddlers who are unvaccinated who wish to be considered for an Elite Team to put in an intent. Please read the following information.

To date, the advice from the IVF and the host country has been that Full Vaccinations are required to enter the UK and attend the World Sprint Championships.

The UK has changed their laws (in the last week); Vaccinations are no longer required by law to enter the UK, almost all restrictions have been removed and also are not required at the race venue. 

A memo has been received from the IVF advising that you will not require vaccination to attend the World Sprints event. There is further advice regarding the changing nature of the Covid pandemic and to ensure we are up to speed with any developments with regard to entering the UK.

Further information about travelling to the UK can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/travel-to-england-from-another-country-during-coronavirus-covid-19?priority-taxon=774cee22-d896-44c1-a611-e3109cce8eae#march-travel-to-england-changes

To that end, Waka Ama New Zealand will be opening the opportunity for paddlers who are unvaccinated who wish to be considered for an Elite Team to put in an intent.

It is important to note that whilst unvaccinated individuals can now attend and take part In the IVF World Sprints event there are still some travel requirements that those Unvaccinated currently need to fulfil to return to NZ:

·  MIQ required upon return to NZ (Needs to be booked prior to departure) (Cost currently $1600+). * Unvaccinated children aged 16 years and under can enter New Zealand without MIQ if they are travelling alone or with parents or guardians who meet the vaccination requirements for entry without MIQ.

Further detail can be found here: https://covid19.govt.nz/international-travel/travel-to-new-zealand/vaccination-requirements-for-travel-to-new-zealand#who-must-enter-managed-isolation-and-quarantine

·         Travel consideration: There are several airlines that still require proof of vaccine for international travel. Along with a negative test for unvaccinated travellers in New Zealand to fly Domestically

Any organisation and costs associated related to travel requirements are the individuals' responsibility.

In addition, here in Aotearoa, we are still operating under the Covid Protection Framework (CPF) and Waka Ama NZ must adhere to any gathering or event rules accordingly.

Intent forms are due by Friday 18th March to [email protected]  
(Intent form is attached) 

Once an intent form has been received it will be passed on to the Elite Coach/Manager for consideration.  

Please direct any questions to [email protected]
