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Nau mai haere mai! Waka Ama NZ High Performance Administrator - Joanne Thompson

Nau mai haere mai! Waka Ama NZ High Performance Administrator - Joanne Thompson

Waka Ama NZ is pleased to welcome Jo as our new part-time Waka Ama NZ High Performance Administrator. Jo has a vast range of skills including experience running logistics, administration and all the behind-the-scenes mahi to ensure organisations and operations are running effectively. One of Jo’s core beliefs is in empowering others to make positive changes to enhance hauora. Jo is confident that she can leverage her passion for supporting others to help staff, athletes, coaches and the community of Waka Ama NZ thrive. Jo is a keen waka ama paddler and a member of the Taranaki Outrigger Canoe Club. Outside of paddling, Jo has a passion for the outdoors in a work, volunteer and leisure capacity. We look forward to working with Jo and introducing her to our wider Waka Ama whānau