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Te Heamana o te Pōari o Ngā Kaihoe o Aotearoa - Waka Ama NZ Board Chair Update

The Waka Ama NZ Pōari is pleased to announce Ngaire Rae Pehi as the new Waka Ama NZ Board Chair

Zalene Douglas has been the Chair of the Waka Ama NZ Pōari since 2020, Zalene has led the board through a number of exciting and challenging milestones and has always provided strong leadership to the board and sport of Waka Ama. Zalene is stepping down as the board chair but will remain on the board as a member and will continue to contribute to the governance of our sport. On behalf of the board, Waka Ama NZ staff and the wider Waka Ama whānau, we acknowledge Zalene's dedication and
commitment to Waka Ama as the board chair.
We look forward to continuing our mahi with Zalene as a Waka Ama NZ Board member and valued member of our Waka Ama whānau.

The Waka Ama NZ Pōari is pleased to announce Ngaire Rae Pehi as the new Waka Ama NZ Board Chair. Ngaire has been a member of the Waka Ama NZ Board since 2018. Ngaire is an active member of our Waka Ama whānau as a paddler locally, regionally and internationally - competing in the recent Samoa World Distance Championships in the Master 50 Women’s team. Ngaire and her husband Richard are stalwarts and active Parihaka Waka Ama Club members and are familiar faces at many events and Waka Ama kaupapa around the motu. Ngaire brings vast experience at a governance level, previously Deputy Chair of Northland DHB, and has been trustee of Foundation North for the past six years. Ngaire has a wealth of experience in the health and well-being sector and is currently working towards her Ph.D. which explores how Pākehā allies do Te Tiriti-based anti-racism during the current health system transformation.

Ngaire thanks Zalene for her leadership over the last few years and looks forward to supporting the board and staff of Waka Ama NZ to continue working towards the vision of Waka Ama - for all - for life!